dublab is a non-profit based in Los Angeles that has connected people around the world. When working on the visual identity, I wanted to keep the music and technology in mind while focusing on the raw energy of the city. What makes dublab unique is how the DJ’s give back to their communities. One of the challenges I tackled was how to brand an organization related to music and how to manage the different genres it represents. I also took into consideration how the visual language should be handled once its passed to dublab themselves.
This project is curently a work in progress. (2022–)
For the visual language, I gathered images of texture around Los Angeles and use them to treat the imagery and as a placeholder to give energy where needed. I believe people form a connection to things they understand, which in this case is their surroundings.

Dj’s and creatives are allowed to dig through textures they want, treat them with photoshop actions and basically customize a poster or social media post to their liking. Something simple but also personal to everyone across the platform.

I was going for something a little more refreshing when it came to designing a pixel style font. Something edgy and in your face, the tall x-height and condensed features helped do this. This was used for the Sounds in Progress Logo.

For the Micro identity, I wanted to focus on a day kickback event called Sounds in Progress, inspired by Carhartts Work in Progress which is known for their heavy-duty lifestyle. This ethos came to mind seeing how Los Angeles is always in progress of building structures and fixing up streets and freeways. This was for the DJ’s to pull up to the park, play some music and people kick it on blankets and just vibe out.

These last set of posters were designed as an afterparty event for Sounds in Progress. Curating an after party event with 3 unique sounds and audiences. You would check into the app to show you were hanging out at the park, then get access to the after party performances.