This project was about self-discovery. Being a second generation Mexican-American, I never knew what I should be a part of. I grew up with parents playing Juan Gabriel and Vicente in the house, looking at lowriders down Laurel Canyon, and speaking spanglish my whole life. I never really felt seen and understood from either side. I’m either a paisa to some or too American for others. Truth is, I love everything I am and I’m proud of my brown skin and what my family has worked so hard for—giving me a chance to speak and have my own table to eat at. I wanted to say and show how I view my world and to highlight people like me, those who feel like they don’t have a voice. In the words of De La Garza, “we take pride in our cultural heritage and vigorously deny any way that we are inferior and recognizing the equality we all deserve; through violent or peaceful means...that we all deserve respect and dignity.” I am who I am. We are who we are. Y Qué?

There’s something about the X in Xicano that really interested me. The American Dream and the Mexican blood and culture: both things crossing and creating a cosmic person. The X on the casing is designed to be heavier on the top, symbolizing the weight Xicanos carry while still standing strong. To me, the case elevates the book by letting you know to take it and us seriously.

One of the challenges I encountered was how to show a culture at its strongest but also shows the softer side. Not just on the content but also how the book was designed and put together. The open spine shows the vulnerability and colorful culture inside of the book. History passed on through generations but always held together.

Throughout the book, I wanted to highlight Xicano artists in a newer light. Highlighting the beauty of what some people might depict as negative, this is the beautiful culture. Love is Brown.

My favorite years were the first decade of my life. Where I was getting dirty, attending family parties, and just having a chance to be a kid. With parties, the piñata is a form of celebration. For this part of the project, I made the logomark of the X on the case into a piñata I put together by hand. History repeats itself and with growth and reflection, comes celebration.

Where do you come from? and where are you going? ¿De dónde vienes? ¿Y para dónde vas?

Lifestyle photography by Darren Vargas
Product photography by Nomad Studios
This project is for the young brown kids.
Shoutout Pacoima, Sylmar, and the San Fernando Valley.
Product photography by Nomad Studios
This project is for the young brown kids.
Shoutout Pacoima, Sylmar, and the San Fernando Valley.