Art is usually seen in a world ran by people in high positions of power showcasing what they think is “good,” meaning they know what is “bad.” GoodBad highlights portraiture by contemporary artists who use humor in their work to reshape perspectives on the art world. From George Condo to newer contemporary artists such as Louise Bonnet or Joan Cornella, they all approach humor in a different light, some darker than others.

During this process, I questioned the idea of what a Table of Contents looks like as a designer? Why is it called that and and why have I never actually seen a table?

What makes me enjoy art is really how it makes me feel and if it makes me laugh or smile. The art world is built on classism and the rich, where they might not take it seriously. With portraiture being a big part of all the artists’ work, I use eyes as a motif to represent the viewers’ gaze. If you have opinions on if this book is good or bad, I did my job.

People who dictate art and go to galleries always have something to say after what they see. I know I do. I believe people should just enjoy what they dont understand.